Our Executive Committee manages the work of the Civic Society, and consists of elected officers and co-opted/non-voting members.
Elected officers
Justin Coll, Chair
“I have a keen interest in Aldershot, its history and more importantly it’s future. The Civic Society has an important role to play in making sure the best of our town is preserved for future generations to enjoy, whilst ensuring new developments are in keeping with what local people want and need. I would also like to see the Civic Society become even more active in helping people enjoy our town, through events and activities that show off our town and its civic community.”
Dan Trubridge, Vice Chair
“I’ve been an Aldershot resident since 2009; since then I’ve made this place my home, and so want Aldershot to be the best it can be. Ultimately the Civic Society is there to celebrate and preserve what’s great about Aldershot and help make it a better place for the future: from culture, to parks, pavements and planning – and everything in between.”
Lara Jeffrey, Honorary Secretary
John Parsons, Honorary Treasurer
Co-opted members of the Executive Committee
Anthony Jarrett, Planning Executive
Susanne Goodchild & Sheila Brooks, Station Group
Dianne Highet, Town Centre Manager (Rushmoor Borough Council)