Last reviewed: May 2018
The following privacy policy sets out how Aldershot Civic Society (referred to below as the “Society”) uses and protects the information we hold on our members and interested people (referred to below as “you” or “your”) and how we contact and interact with you.
Members are defined as those who are Life Members, who pay no further subscription, or have paid the annual subscription fee for the year.
Interested people are those who have supplied contact details to be kept in touch with the work and events of the society.
Why we need your data
The lawful reason for the society holding personal data is the Legitimate Interest in running the Society for the benefit of its members and others. And to enable the Society to communicate with its Members and Interested People.
What data do we collect?
We collect and record the following information:
- Title
- Name
- Identified gender
- Phone number(s)
- Email address
- Membership type
Interested person:
- Title
- Name
- Identified gender
- Phone number(s)
- Email address
Other information held:
- Feedback when members are periodically approached over suggestions for the future direction of the Society
- Any other letters and emails that you address to the Society or to individual committee members, together with our replies
- Payments made to the Society – we record the amount, date, method of payment, and what the payment was for, such as your annual subscription, any donations, and any purchases of items available for sale. We may retain temporarily on file a copy of your standing order mandate, if you have forwarded one to our Treasurer
- Personal correspondence between you and us is held secure until no longer required and then destroyed as outlined under the section: How long do we keep your data?
- Photographs taken at the Society’s events may capture your image. These photographs may be used to promote the Society in newspapers, the Society’s Website, Facebook page or Twitter account.
Where and how is data stored and who can view it?
The personal data of both members and interested people is held in electronic files stored using a Google GDPR compliant cloud storage service. As Google is an international company data may be stored and processed abroad (this includes locations outside the European Union).
We use the Mailchimp (a Marketing Information platform) for the purpose of sending out the Society’s Newsletters and other electronic communications from time to time. As far as the Society is concerned we only use Mailchimp to hold names and email addresses. The application is free of charge. Mailchimp is totally committed to being fully GDPR compliant in 2018.
All data is password protected (i.e. requires a user name and password to access). The Society’s executive committee, specifically: Chair, Vice Chair, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, may access the data for the purposes of running the society as described in this document.
Some of our records, such as membership forms and Gift Aid authorities, are also retained in paper format and are held securely by the Treasurer.
What we do with your data
- General administration, covering subscription payment monitoring, preparation of the Society’s accounts, statistics on membership numbers and categories, and keeping you informed of our activities
- Feedback from you will be used to assist in determining the future direction of the Society
- If you have registered your email address with us and approved its use, we will send out meeting reminders and updates, promotions and general updates
- We may forward, by email only, information on other activities that are akin to our goals and which we think may be of interest to you
- From time to time, we may also offer opportunities to take part in events not arranged by the Society but by similar organisations:
- The Society is not involved in the administration or operation or control of such events and is not responsible for any fees that may be payable
- If you wish to take up such an offer, you will need to make your own arrangements direct with the event organiser including any payment required and you will control what personal information is released
- From time to time we may also advise you by email of any publications or other items that the Society is offering for sale.
How long do we keep your data?
- As long as you remain a member of the Society your personal information will be retained
- If you notify us that you wish to cancel your membership then your personal information will be deleted from the membership database. Any other non-financial information personal to you will be deleted in the case of computer files and destroyed in the case of paperwork.
- If there are any ongoing issues between you and the Society at the time you cancel your membership, relevant information will be retained until such issues have been resolved. Relevant information will also be retained if you decide to maintain contact with the Society in other ways
- Financial information concerning receipts and payments, including the Society’s bank statements, will be retained for six years
- Gift Aid declarations and related information necessary to support Gift Aid claims from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will be retained for twelve years
- If you stop paying your subscription but do not positively cancel your membership, it will be presumed you no longer wish to remain a member and your personal details will then be deleted after 2 years from the date at which membership expires.
What are your rights?
Regarding your data you have the right to:
- Request your personal data is removed (deleted) from storage (payment information will be retained as detailed in the section How long we keep your data?)
- Request a copy of your personal data
- Correct or amend your personal data
- If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data, you can contact us to have the matter investigated
- Website:
- E-mail:
- Post: Aldershot Civic Society, Princes Hall, Princes Way, Aldershot GU11 1NX